You stepped on a sea urchin. It has probably hurt a lot and now you wonder how to get rid of the spines from your skin. Will they dissolve by themselves or do you need to seek for a doctor? In this article, I’ll answer all your questions but let’s start with a quick answer:…
Read MorePain is an awkward thing to test, and it’s not even easy to define. What actually is pain? We know it as humans, but how can we tell what animals feel? Especially invertebrates (animals without a backbone) like sea urchins that don’t even make any sound, and their bodies are very different from ours. Scientists…
Read MoreSea urchins are one of the marine creatures that belong to Echinoderms. They look completely different when alive or dead so have you ever wondered what their complete life cycle looks like or how do they reproduce? In this article I’ll answer all these questions but let’s begin with a quick answer: Sea urchins reproduce…
Read MoreSea urchins’ movement, like other Echinoderms, is always an interesting topic because, at first glance, they don’t have obvious limbs to do that. I remember when I was wondering myself, how they move forward, or how they stay on the bottom during strong currents. In this post, we’ll talk all about that. However, let’s start…
Read MoreMost of us know sea urchins as spiky animals that we should avoid touching. Their sharp venomous spines can be extremely painful to us as well as to their marine predators. When I found sea urchins for the first time, just like you wondered if there are any animals that actually want to eat them.…
Read MoreSea urchins are fascinating marine creatures. Because of their look, most people wonder if they’re actual living animals or how to recognize if the sea urchin’s shell they found is either alive or dead. Sea urchins are classified in the Echinoidea class, which includes the classic sea urchins with spiky spines and sand dollars with very…
Read MoreSand dollars are one of the unique marine creatures that belong to Echinoderms. They look completely different when alive or dead so have you ever wondered what their complete life cycle looks like? What about when they’re just larvae? And how do they reproduce? In this article I’ll answer all these questions but let’s begin…
Read MoreHave you ever looked at the sand dollar and wondered if you can pick it up without being harmed? If you know their close relatives – sea urchins, you may think twice before touching them. You may notice a few things that can be possibly harmful like their spines or even their teeth on the…
Read MoreSand dollars are species of flat, burrowing echinoids that belong to the order Clypeasteroida. They are related to sea urchins, sea stars, or sea cucumbers. When I found one myself for the first time, I thought they were just beautiful shells on the beach. As I found out later, they’re actually living creatures, called sand…
Read MoreSand dollars are incredibly interesting creatures and it always makes me smile when people don’t know they are living animals. I’m always happy to explain everything about them, especially that they actually live in the ocean when alive and that they’re not only the white skeleton most people find on the beach. Then, a lot…
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