Who am I?
Hey, I'm Dori, a passionate diver, and traveler. I started my journey with scuba diving in 2019 in Bocas del Toro, Panama, where I did my Open Water Certificate. Since then, I have fallen in love with the ocean and the marine creatures there.
I have traveled through North and Central America and lived in Canary Island (Spain), Isla Mujeres (Mexico), and Sri Lanka. I always chase warm islands, corals, sharks, and my favorite animals - turtles 🙂
Scuba diving had always been on my bucket list, but I didn't think it was achievable. When I started traveling full-time, I realized everything was possible, and now I can't imagine my life without diving. Today I'm a Rescue Diver, and I'm not stopping here!
Why Bubbly Diver?
I created Bubbly Diver to share my love for the ocean. If you met me in a real-life, you'd quickly realize that scuba diving and the animals I see while doing it are what I talk about most of the time. Writing here about these fantastic creatures and knowing that you and other people can learn from my posts about them is what makes me happy.
So, whether you're a diver, snorkeler, or just curious about the ocean, I hope you enjoy reading my blog. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message at hello@bubblydiver.com!