
are lobsters cannibals

Are Lobsters Cannibals? (Why?)

Lobsters’ diet was a mystery for us years ago as we thought they only eat dead particles of other animals. With more studies, we found out that they eat a variety of fresh food instead. A few years ago, we even conducted studies on lobsters’ cannibalism, and what are the results? If you wonder if…

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lobster molting

How Often Do Lobsters Molt? (Explained)

As you may know, lobsters have hard shells that protect their bodies, called exoskeletons. Lobsters’ bodies can’t grow together with the shell, so they need to shed the outgrown shell in a process called molting. But, have you wondered how often lobsters molt? In this blog post, we’ll talk all about that, so let’s begin…

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lobster life cycle

The Complete Life Cycle Of Lobsters (+ Reproduction)

Lobsters’ reproduction is a very interesting and quite long process as it can take about 20 months from mating to hatching. If you ever wondered how lobsters reproduce and what their life cycle looks like, in this blog post, we’ll talk all about that. However, let’s begin with a quick answer: Lobsters reproduce sexually by…

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yellow lobster

Do Lobsters Have Lungs? (Explained)

Lobsters are animals that we can encounter on the bottom of the ocean, but maybe you have heard that lobsters can survive out of the water for a while. So, are lobsters exclusively marine animals that breathe through their lungs only, or do they have lungs? If you wondered about that, in this post, we’ll…

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lobsters with gills underwater

Do Lobsters Have Gills? (Explained)

Lobsters are animals that we can encounter on the ocean floor, often hiding in their shelters. We don’t usually see them out of the water, so have you wondered if they’re exclusively marine animals, how they breathe, and if they have gills? In this post, we’ll talk all about that but let’s begin with a…

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lobster swimming

Can Lobsters Swim? (Explained)

When we think about how lobsters move, we often imagine them walking using their legs. But can lobsters swim if they don’t even have any obvious body parts to do it? If you ever wondered about that, we’ll talk about that in this blog post. However, let’s begin with a quick answer: Lobsters can swim…

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can lobsters live in freshwater

Can Lobsters Live In Freshwater? (Explained)

Lobsters are invertebrates found in practically every ocean. Have you wondered if they can also live in freshwater environments, such as lakes or rivers? In this blog post, we’ll talk all about that but let’s begin with a quick answer: Lobsters are saltwater animals and cannot live in freshwater due to their state of isotonic…

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lobsters breathe air

Can Lobsters Breathe Air? (Explained)

Lobsters are close relatives to crabs which we can often see walking on the beach or rocky shores without being in the water. Have you ever wondered if lobsters can breathe air, or are they exclusively marine animals? In this post, we’ll talk all about that but let’s begin with a quick answer: Lobsters cannot…

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lobster communication

How Do Lobsters Communicate? (It’s Disgusting!)

It’s fascinating how other animals interact because very often, the way of communication is much different than in humans or other mammals. We can, of course, communicate by speaking or even writing, but some animals use other unique techniques. If you wonder how lobsters communicate underwater, in this blog post, we’ll talk all about that.…

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lobsters' blood

Do Lobsters Have Blood? (Explained)

Marine animals adapted to their environment in very different ways. Some of them use blood for circulation, but others, such as sea stars, can use seawater instead. Have you wondered if lobsters have blood and what their circulatory system looks like? In this blog post, we’ll talk all about that but let’s begin with a…

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